Thursday, July 17, 2008

Field Trip to Burns Bog by: Nicholas

On May 9th/2008, Div.4 went on a field trip to Burns Bog (as a gift from Tanner's parents).

First, we took a school bus from Willoughby to Burns Bog in Delta. On the bus we played a game called “Stop-Go” that Mrs. Albrecht likes to play (she catches everyone).

When we got to Burns Bog, a tour guide lady guided us around the Bog and we saw some “interesting” plants (well, to me). One plant called “Sphagnum” definitely deserved to be called the “King of the Bog” .

When we came back to Willoughby, I thought that the day was fun BUT. Ms. Bublitz made us do a whole “Burns Bog Activity Booklet” .

*And, kindly, Devon’s mom gave us a chocolate cookie each.

Aside from the work packet, the trip was great.

Dancing by Peter Kacz

We did dancing in P.E. a few weeks ago. We had to learn hip hop, line dancing and we had to make up our own. David and I made up a weird dance that consisted of 24 beats and 4 moves (try and follow that one!).

David and I used different moves in our dance and so did everyone else in the class. There were some great (and hilarious) dances. Everybody in the class got into groups and created some kind of dance.

Ms.Bublitz taught us specific moves like the 'grape vine' and she taught us whole dances like The Men In Black dance.

We did a lot of dances in P.E. with Ms.Bublitz during April and May.

Birds attack! By Gavin Gill

On a warm sunny day in May we were marking our math (from the day before), when two birds flew into the classroom. Their names were Molly and Joe, although there have been some heated disputes over the names.

Ms.Bublitz (our student teacher) ran out of the class and Tanner jumped under a desk. Please note, Ms. Bublitz’s pathological fear of birds had her disregard the safety of the entire class; she forgot we were even there!

Neil was screaming his head off and in the melee, I kicked my whole desk over.

We all ran screaming into the hallway at which time Mrs. Albrecht appeared. She told us to go back into the classroom while she tried to shoo the birds out the door. They (the birds) were not having any of it.

We all went outside with Ms. Bublitz and walked/ ran while Mr.Harrington came and tried to get Molly and Joe out. After one hour we went to the library and after recess we got to go back inside because Molly and Joe were gone.

Published By: Gavin Gill also known as G doc in the hood