This is a huge part of the students’ first term Social Studies' grade.
Due: November 9, 2007
Working ON YOUR OWN or in groups of 2 or 3 (no more than 3) Complete the following assignment.
Please Note: You will be given plenty of time to complete this at school. You may do some at home, but never leave your work at home. (You will lose points as this is your work, remember - not your parents.
Project Assignment:
Create an island/partial mainland that shows the following topographical features (see handout and/or Visit Go to Landforms Definitions link on our website if you are unsure of the feature.)
• The island base may not be larger than your desk top. You will lose marks if it is larger.
• 2 mountain ranges with 2 peaks
• 1 fjord• 1 Valley• 1 Isthmus• 1 Cliff• 1 Bay• 1 strait• 1 peninsula• 1 reef• 3 lakes• an ocean• another island• a partial mainland• 3 rivers• identified lowlands and highlands• 1 swamp• The island must have each of the features labelled and named ie: Bailey’s BayOral Presentation Must Include
• your island model
• A poster with the following information:
1. Government and Laws - What are the laws of your country? Is it a democracy, oligarchy, monarchy, dictatorship? Who is/are the leaders? What is against the law? How are people elected?
2. Religion & Customs- What religions are practised on your island? Are their any specific cultural holidays? What books, music, art do the citizens like? What type of foods are eaten?
3 Physical Environment - What is the capital city? What modes of transportation are available? Do they have any natural resources that they may export for money?
4. Economy - What type of currency is used? (Create a sample to share with the class). Are there rich people and poor people? How does the government look after the poor or the sick? How does the government make money? Are there taxes? What kind?
5. History - What is the history of your island/country? How was it founded and by whom? Was there any wars or was it a peaceful settlement. Were people brought from another country to populate this country?
Helpful Hints for creating a papier mache island:
A few drops of oil of wintergreen stops the papier mache from rotting over the years.
Begin bringing old newspapers to begin the project.
The school will provide the wallpaper paste to assist with the papier mache.
Try to cut a plywood (thin) platform that measures no bigger than 13” x 13” (sorry, I only had my prehistoric ruler.)
Some students have even used coffee grounds for a dirt appearance!
Above all - enjoy this project. It is amazing what one learns about landforms when one has to recreate them! Enjoy!
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