Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oct 16th Update

What’s this? October is already half way over? I think the Time Bandit has been back at Willoughby Elementary.

This will be a quick update for any parents wondering how our BIG assignments are coming along in class.

The students have received a three hour head start on their island projects and October 18 through to the 21st is the first time I will allow the students to take their islands home to work on. I have even offered to hand out some wallpaper paste powder for their home attempts.

Please note that I do not want the islands painted at home as I would prefer to watch the students do that portion of the project.

Please help your child by ensuring they are following the criteria. As well, please remember that I did NOT ask your child to work with a group - that was his/her choice.

I was marking our goal setting assignment tonight and I felt extremely jealous. I have decided I want to be eleven again so I may set some new goals. Don’t get me wrong - I have achieved every goal I set, but now that I have seen my students’ goals. Well... I am too old to add some of my own so I shall have to live vicariously through Division Four.

Some wonderful examples of goals and dreams for our future citizens:

Thomas plans to become a pastry chef in Paris

, and Jessica is intent on learning to play drums.

Mackenzie is aiming for an

artist’s life, and Amy is similar, yet she has chosen the singing arts.

Eric P. has a difficult goal planned - an Air Traffic Controller

, and Nicholas is playing it safe by focusing on improving his spoken English from this year to the end of Grade Seven. (I think he’s almost there!)

Shawn has chosen the philanthropic goal of becoming a doctor or a scientist so he may help others,

and Shaina also plans on becoming a doctor - but to four legged patients.

Neil and Marissa have similar goals; Neil plans to become a cartoonist and an animator

whereas Marissa is focused on her goal of becoming an Anime cartoonist.

Emma also hopes to be a veterinarian, and preferably one working at an aquarium.

Sarah’s goal is one close to my own heart

becoming a teacher.

I have several boys who have created hard working goals: The All Fascinating National Hockey League. Gavin Would prefer to play for Vancouver or Pittsburgh Penguins; Eric C. is hoping to be drafted by the Ottawa Senators, and Devon is open - just so long as he becomes a Hockey Hall of Fame inductee.


has written a goal plan for playing pro soccer with help from Ronaldo.

Levi intends to follow Tony Hawk’s wheels into professional skateboarding.

Lastly, we have Altn’s goal of becoming a gymnast.

Now I know there are more goals planned within the classroom, but for now, these are the ones I have received. I wish each one of my goal-setters a successful, rewarding, and satisfying future regardless of the goal they may have presently planned. Of course, if all goes well within the universe, I will have sole bragging rights to my Class of ‘08.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when are you going to update it just wondering